Technical Audit

3 Workdays


  • Technical issues
  • On-site optimization
  • Penalties
  • Keywords research
  • Niche research
  • Content research
  • Commercial factors
  • External factors
  • Local SEO
  • Engagement

Technical factors are a fundamental part of the SEO process. Remember, no matter how hard you try and how much content and links you build, if your website has technical issues you have zero chance to succeed.


Growth Hacks Audit

5 Workdays


  • Technical issues
  • On-site optimization
  • Penalties
  • Keywords research
  • Niche research
  • Content research
  • Commercial factors
  • External factors
  • Local SEO
  • Engagement

If you use only classic SEO tactics, you might miss hidden opportunities. From our practice we know that there is always a way to get “easy” customers using opportunities that your competitors did not notice.


Comprehensive Audit

7 Workdays


  • Technical issues
  • On-site optimization
  • Penalties
  • Keywords research
  • Niche research
  • Content research
  • Commercial factors
  • External factors
  • Local SEO
  • Engagement

If you need a long term strategy and a solid foundation for your promotion on the Internet, we are here to help you.


SEO Concierge offers three options for website audit: Technical Audit, Growth Hacks Audit and Comprehensive Audit. In addition to identifying the problems on your website, we will also provide you with clear instructions and detailed user manuals that explain how to resolve them.


There are various technical issues, major and minor alike, that can have a tremendous influence on your website’s ranking, search visibility, and overall user experience. These issues have to be fixed in order to avoid penalizing your website by search engines. Below are examples of the most common technical issues.

  • Broken Links
  • Duplicate Pages
  • Duplicate Text
  • Duplicate Titles
  • Missing or Empty Title
  • Duplicate Descriptions
  • Missing or Empty Description
  • 4xx Error Pages: Client Error
  • Broken Redirect
  • Endless Redirect
  • Redirect Chains
  • Redirect Blocked by robots.txt
  • Redirects with Bad URL Format
  • Bad Base Tag Format
  • Max URL Length
  • Missing Internal Links
  • Links with Bad URL Format
  • Broken Images
  • Canonical Blocked by robots.txt
  • Multiple Titles
  • Multiple Descriptions
  • Missing or Empty H1
  • Multiple H1
  • Duplicate H1
  • Min Content Size
  • PageRank: Redirect
  • 3xx Redirected Pages
  • Redirect Chain
  • Refresh Redirected
  • Canonical Chain
  • External Redirect
  • Blocked by robots.txt
  • Blocked by Meta Robots
  • Blocked by X-Robots-Tag
  • Missing Images ALT Attributes
  • Max Image Size
  • 5xx Error Pages: Server Error
  • Long Server Response Time
  • Bad AMP HTML Format
  • Percent-Encoded URLs
  • Duplicate Canonical URLs
  • PageRank: Orphan
  • PageRank: Missing Outgoing Links


Optimizing your website has a major impact on a website’s ranking and visibility on search engines. Internal optimization is most likely the easiest thing you can do yourself to give your website a traffic boost. Our detailed guidelines will help you enhance your current structure and settings, as well as maintain on-site optimization in the future. We analyze:

  • Optimization of the Title tag
  • Optimization of meta tag Description
  • Optimization of Keywords tag
  • H1-H6 headers optimization
  • The distribution of the trust weight to important pages
  • “Bread crumbs” implementation
  • Internal links optimization
  • No hidden text
  • Sitelinks in SERP
  • Images Optimization
  • ALT attributes for images


No matter how strictly you manage your website and upload content, sometimes minor mistakes or intentional hazard by third parties can result in drastic penalties by Google or other search engines. We will analyze your website for internal actions as well as external malicious activity. Then we will show you how to fix existing penalties and avoid them in the future. These include:

  • Warnings in Search Console
  • Affiliated sites
  • Toxic SEO backlinks
  • Texts are not spammed
  • Hidden forwarding on mobile devices
  • Adult content
  • Ads analysis


Proper keyword research is the most underestimated factor in SEO. You were probably taught about basic keywords research and spying after your competitors’ keywords, but our enhancements and tweaks concerning your keywords can make a tremendous difference for your website. We analyze and improve:

  • Semantic core analysis
  • Competitors semantic cores
  • Collected Google suggester keywords
  • Useless keywords are excluded
  • Frequent jargon expressions, errors, abbreviations or possible variants of names are taken into account


Uploading unique content on an ongoing basis contributes to your ranking, but it is not enough. Your content should stand apart from the competitors and be presented properly. We will assist you in finding original ways for maximizing the impact of your content, as well as in formatting it for maximum user experience. Our content research focuses on:

  • Blog/Articles semantic analysis
  • Section “Question-Answer”
  • Tagged pages
  • Portfolio or samples
  • Content publication timeline
  • Formatted structured content
  • Photos and infographics
  • Grammatical and spelling errors
  • Unique texts
  • The ability to bookmark this page and share it


Adhering to commercial standards sets you apart as a professional eCommerce provider. Presenting your services and products properly has the utmost importance for legal considerations and for maximizing your monetization potential. We will identify essential missing parts and enhancements that should be done, for instance:

  • Company information
  • Description of delivery and payment options
  • Customer support
  • Sale
  • Credit options
  • Warranty and returns
  • Advertising of third-party sites
  • Wide range of products
  • Item card audit
  • Site usability
  • Access to cart from any page
  • Legal details and licenses/certificates
  • Registration through social networks
  • Https protocol (correct SSL certificate)
  • Geo-options
  • Email on website’s domain
  • Accounts in social networks


External optimization is another integral part of the SEO equation. A website’s ranking depends on its status among other websites, namely if it is considered as a reliable authority in its field. SEO Concierge team will assist you in getting different types of backlinks from other websites and in organizing your backlinks strategy:

  • Backlinks presence in Search Console
  • Backlinks profile comparison with competitors
  • Backlinks to 4xx and 5xx pages
  • Free backlinks options
  • Crowd-marketing
  • Spam in the anchor list
  • Brand awareness
  • External broken or unauthorized links
  • Backlinks from sites of prohibited niches or with suspicious anchors


There are dozens of free and cost-effective solutions available locally, where you can register your website for a near-instant traffic boost. Our team will analyze your registered backlinks and identify additional opportunities for growing traffic locally.

  • Geo setup in Search Console
  • Google My Business
  • Google Shopping
  • The availability of pages for the robot, regardless of its IP
  • Regional pages
  • Reviews or cases of your customers
  • Backlinks from regional sites


Increasing website visitors is the first step in improving your website’s results. The second step is to maximize users’ engagement with your website. A better user experience equates to more sales, repetitive visits, and enhanced reputation. SEO concierge team analyze the following for you:

  • Pages match keywords
  • Pages with a high bounce rate
  • Average visit duration is not less than competitors have
  • Engagement comparison with the competitors’ websites